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The Act of Love Starts Here

Writer's picture: Larissa JoyLarissa Joy

Love starts here, you know? With me. You see I house you, care for you and give endlessly to you every day. I take care of everyone you know and I make every physical experience possible, even your breathing. I am your Mother Earth. And love starts here.

When you disregard me, you disregard yourself. Deep down each of you knows that your inherent responsibility is to care for me in return. And when you neglect that task, there is this twinge of guilt in you that may or may not be palpable, but it is there. When you witness yourself taking, consuming, accumulating and then tossing things away, it is hurting you too. You cannot deep within your soul your meant to live more consciously, and go against it without consequences. The consequences are guilt, shame, anxiety, fear, depression... believe me when I say, it's hurting you too. Certainly you are love. I'm not saying I created that. But I am the environment for which you are meant to enact that love, through generosity, kindness, compassion, care, consciousness, mindfulness, courage... I am the physical playground for all of that. And acts of lovelessness against me, do not go unnoticed by your soul.

I do not say this to guilt or shame you, but to help you dissolve the guilt and shame you carry, so you may become conscious and responsible instead. You were not built to carry it, and neither was I. We were built to carry love.

So come home, you can do it. One step at a time. One conscious choice at a time. You do not need all that stuff and all those things to fill you up. You are FULL, you are love itself. You may start by reading some articles on sustainability and ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Or you may sit and make a list of what you already know within your soul you can change. You may meditate on what you would like the world to look like for the next several generations that will come after you. Do you want the oceans to be fished out? Or would you like there to be plenty? You may buy locally and garden You may stop wasting food, by being more mindful with your purchases You may stop buying what you really don't need You may plant trees for which you may never enjoy the shade ... You may meditate lovingly on me, and imagine my coral regrowing, the fish multiplying, the rainforest coming back to life Whatever you do, it is enough, it does not have to look like what anyone else is doing and you need only do it one step at a time. Most people, especially in the US, own 90% more "stuff" and things than they need or even use. This means they are taking 90% of the future generations necessary resources so that they can live in extreme excess, and basically have clutter. Consider for yourself how you can simplify and not accumulate needlessly. You are WISE, I believe in you to find the solutions that feel good and right and true for you.

I do not ask you to strip down to the bare bones. There is plenty to go around for all to have extras and enjoyables and pleasures and beauties. I ask you to reduce what does not bring you joy, what you cling to to fill yourself under the illusion of emptiness, what you buy and gift to people please, what you consume unconsciously. And as you come home to loving and honoring me, and valuing what I offer you, you will be simultaneously honoring the glorious spirit within you, and life itself. I wonder if I've spoken to you. I wonder if you can be gentle as you make subtle changes which will ripple through the generations and bestow beautiful blessings of resources, healing and consciousness on the future little ones. I wonder, I wonder ...



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