Hello Beautiful Cycle Breakers!
You are here for the expansion! You came into this world, knowing full well you were going to enter a family bloodline which had difficult, dense energies to transmute. Perhaps the energy of poverty, loneliness, self-hate, anger, pain, sadness, dis-ease... Whatever it may be, if you ar doing the inner work, if you gravitate towards healing, then you are a Cycle Breaker! And what a special job this is. It can feel so intense you may want to give up, for a while at least, and you'll likely fall victim to the cycles themselves. But this is often all part of the souls plan to learn the cycle more intimately, so the cycle itself and the density can be more thoroughly dismantled. If you are in a difficult cycle, if you see the dark cycles in your family and you are feeling challenged by them, this, what you're reading now, is a sign You Are Capable! Ahem! Reminder:vAs a soul you knew the conditions you were entering, you knew them very well- and the only reason you ever feel like the task in front of you is insurmountable is if you do that silly little thing where you forget the truth of who you are. We all do this for a moment, and forgetting is important- so we can experience true density- but remembering is essential so that we can dismantle the energetic block from the inside, grenade style!

You may think "Oh, no no you don't understand what I have to get through is BIG, too big for lil' ol me." but what you're really saying is "I've forgotten how big I am, so this little s*#t feels big to me." Thats when you know it's time to surrender into who you truly are by honoring your inner voice, nourishing yourself properly (the way your Inner Child needs, not your ego) and developing new beliefs.
If you feel small amongst your challenges, it's because you've taken on the beliefs of those around you and the limiting energies that influence them *ew*. And that, simply will not do. Because I don't know about you, but I have no interest in operating from the same rules and "logic" that unhappy people operate from. And as cycle breakers we have to keep this in mind, if the people who have imprinted their beliefs on us aren't living the lives we want, their 'logical advice' must be swept aside, to make room for new, expansive, more effective, and truly beneficial advice. The deep, resonating wisdom of our own souls.
I have no interest in operating from the same toxic “logic” that unhappy people operate from.
Some toxic 'logic' I've heard from unhappy, unfulfilled people: You have to work hard for money Playing it safe is the only way to be safe
You can't make a positive change in the world, that's unrealistic
Worrying= Love It's genetic, so you're stuck with it
What you can DO is more important than who you are
You'll never make it Put up with it Life is hard
Art doesn't matter The world is evil/doomed You have a roof over your head, your deeper needs don't matter
Do whatever you can to make other's happy (Please refer to the list at the end of this article for some better altnernatives to thist list of small minded 'logic')
The "too big" challenges are big opportunities to forget the 'logic' we've been told to believe, and to instead know the truth of who we are. To remember that we are the energy that creates (worlds), and we are love itself waiting to be expressed in fullness. If you never climb the mountain, you will never know you were capable, and you will never know the part of yourself that had to climb it. When I was bedridden for 5 years and spent 12 years fighting for my life mostly alone, with those I loved turning their backs on me, these words would not have soothed me, so I don't expect them to soothe you either if you are in the middle of your own personal hell. But I expect them to resonate somewhere deep within you, to strengthen that part within that knows it's own power To give energy and sustinance to your inner wisdom- so it can help to move and inspire the mind, body and soul that you operate. You are not small. Do you hear me? You are bold, and beautiful- a rose blossoming in the Sahara, a daisy pushing its way through the concrete. You were not put here to be stopped, or thwarted, or abused or brought to you knees...

you were put here to imitate nature, and to remind humanity that life and love will always find a way through the cracks.
This does not mean you were put here to always be challenged by your enviornment. No, the strength and courage you find on your journey will enable you to love yourself in a way... were you will learn boundaries, self care, standards and your own voice and preferences and you will call forth, command and create a life that allows you to be your very best, like a happy child thriving and full of love. A life that nourishes the very unique being that you are- you will find the worthiness that has always existed within you, awaken it and align yourself to beauty beyond your wildest dreams. And certainly... beyond the wildest dreams of the one you once were, the one who was suffering. Trust me, you have a whole world ahead of you, no matter your age, you are where you're meant to be, you are uncovering what you need to uncover and you are capable of beautiful things. You just have to believe in yourself and trust that you are dancing with the Universe... dancing with the energy that creates worlds, and it is learning from you as much as you are learning from it. None of this is a power struggle, it's all about awakening consciousness and realizing we're co-creating all of it.
BIG Logic: Whatever I can dream in my heart, is asking to be brought into reality through me I am co-creating this experience, and the more I awaken, the more fun it becomes My presence is valuable, and potent I get to have the boundaries that make me feel safe and happy When I fill my own cup, I overflow, and it's fun! Even if I don't know the 'how', I know I am 100% capable in all situations, and I'll get through this Deep and thorough self nurturing is my right and responsibility I am unique, and get to spend the rest of my life watering and honoring my uniqueness Whatever inspires me, is where I'm meant to direct my energy Money is fun, easy and meant for me My curiosity is more powerful and effective than fear or worry I am LOVE already, and when I surrender and do what feels good to me, that loves spills through me The world is full of infinite potentials
I can, I can, I can With Big Love, Larissa
Want to do the big, courageous, cycle breaking work? Book in your first session with me!